전북, 9시 12분 기준 개표 현황
고창ㆍ정읍 58.35% 개표 민주당 윤준병 도내 첫 당선 유력
전주시병… 민주당 정동영 4만3천표 차이로 국민의힘 전희재 앞서
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기사입력: 2024/04/10 [21:18]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡


22대 총선 투표가 10일 오후 6시를 기해 마감된 가운데 전국 254개 개표소에서 개표 작업이 시작됐으며 전북은 개표가 빠르게 진행돼 10개 선거구 당선자 윤곽은 오후 11시께 드러날 것으로 전망된다.


이날 도내 각 지역에 마련된 개표소 사무원들은 사전투표함부터 봉인을 열고 작업에 돌입했으며 순조롭게 진행되고 있으며 고창ㆍ정읍 선거구 개표율은 56.86%의 개표율을 보이고 있다.


더불어민주당 윤준병 후보가 46,670표를 얻어 2위를 기록하고 있는 국민의힘 최용운 후보와 약 41천표 차이로 앞서 도내에서 가장 빠르게 당선자로 기록될 것으로 예측된다.


전주시병 선거구 역시 더불어민주당 정동영 후보가 국민의힘 전희재 후보를 43,203표 차이로 앞서고 있다.


전북 오후 912분 기준 개표 현황


전주시갑 1.14% = 더불어민주당 김윤덕 152표ㆍ국민의힘 양정무 152표ㆍ새로운미래 신원식 79표ㆍ무소속 방수형 46.


전주시병 46.34% = 더불어민주당 정동영 52,711표ㆍ국민의힘 전희재 9,508표ㆍ녹색정의당 한병옥 3,806.


군산ㆍ김제ㆍ부안갑 40.21% = 더불어민주당 신영대 45,438표ㆍ국민의힘 오지서 4,902.


군산ㆍ김제ㆍ부안을 19.67% = 더불어민주당 이원택 14,223표ㆍ국민의힘 최홍우 1,484표ㆍ무소속 김종훈 688.

김제 6.09% = 더불어민주당 이원택 2,849표ㆍ국민의힘 최홍후 303표ㆍ무소속 김종훈 90.

부안 43.99% = 더불어민주당 11,374표ㆍ국민의힘 최홍우 1,181표ㆍ무소속 김종훈 588.


익산갑 19.86% = 더불어민주당 이춘석ㆍ국민의힘 김민서 1,345표ㆍ새로운미래 신재용 615표ㆍ진보당 전권희 1,323.


익산을 16.17% = 더불어민주당 한병도 10,417표ㆍ국민의힘 문용희 1,420표ㆍ자유통일당 이은재 218.


정읍ㆍ고창 58.35% = 더불어민주당 윤준병 46,670(당선 유력)ㆍ국민의힘 최용운 5,414표ㆍ자유통일당 정후영 1,560.


정읍 45.47% = 더불어민주당 윤준병 24,021표ㆍ국민의힘 최용운 2,777표ㆍ자유통일당 정후영 572.


고창 73.99% = 더불어민주당 윤준병 20,307표ㆍ국민의힘 최용운 2,288표ㆍ자유통일당 정후영 910.


남원ㆍ장수ㆍ임실ㆍ순창 36.76% = 더불어민주당 박희승 29,768표ㆍ국민의힘 강병무 3,460표ㆍ새로운미래 한기대 726표ㆍ한국농어민당 황의돈 737.


완주ㆍ진안ㆍ무주 59.96% = 더불어민주당 안호영 43.255표ㆍ국민의힘 이인숙 8,797.


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구글 번역은 이해도를 높이기 위해 노력하고 있으며 영문 번역에 오류가 있음을 전제로 합니다.

Below is the 'full text' of the English article translated by Google Translate.

Google Translate is working hard to improve understanding, and assumes that there are errors in the English translation.


Jeonbuk, vote counting status as of 9:12 pm

Gochang and Jeongeup 58.35% votes countedDemocratic Party Yoon Jun-byeong is likely to be the first elected candidate in the province

Jeonju city diseaseDemocratic Party Chung Dong-young ahead of People Power Party Jeon Hee-jae by 43,000 votes


Reporter Park Dong-il


While voting for the 22nd general election closed at 6 p.m. on the 10th, the vote counting process began at 254 counting stations across the country. In Jeonbuk, vote counting is progressing quickly, and the outline of the winners of the 10 constituencies is expected to be revealed around 11 p.m.


On this day, clerks at the counting centers set up in each region of the province opened the seals on the early voting boxes and began work. The process is progressing smoothly, and the vote counting rate in the Gochang and Jeongeup constituencies is 56.86%.


It is predicted that Democratic Party candidate Yoon Jun-byeong will be recorded as the fastest winner in the province, with a gap of about 41,000 votes over People Power Party candidate Choi Yong-un, who is in second place with 46,670 votes.


In the Jeonju city-byeong constituency, Democratic Party candidate Jeong Dong-young is ahead of People Power Party candidate Jeon Hee-jae by a margin of 43,203 votes.


Ballot counting status as of 9:12 PM in Jeonbuk


Jeonju City Gap 1.14% = Kim Yun-deok of the Democratic Party of Korea 152 votes, Yang Jeong-moo of the People Power Party 152 votes, Shin Won-sik of New Future 79 votes, Independent Bang Soo-hyeong 46 votes.


Jeonju City Council 46.34% = Chung Dong-young of the Democratic Party of Korea 52,711 votes, People Power Party Jeon Hee-jae 9,508 votes, Green Justice Party Han Byeong-ok 3,806 votes.


Gunsan, Gimje, Buan Gap 40.21% = Shin Young-dae of the Democratic Party of Korea 45,438 votes, Oh Ji-seo of the People Power Party 4,902 votes.


Gunsan, Gimje, Buan 19.67% = Lee Won-taek of the Democratic Party of Korea 14,223 votes, Choi Hong-woo of the People Power Party 1,484 votes, Independent Kim Jong-hoon 688 votes. 

Gimje 6.09% = Lee Won-taek of the Democratic Party of Korea 2,849 votes, Choi Hong-hu of the People Power Party 303 votes, Independent Kim Jong-hoon 90 votes. graph. 

Buan 43.99% = Democratic Party of Korea 11,374 votes, People Power Party Choi Hong-woo 1,181 votes, Independent Kim Jong-hoon 588 votes.


Iksangap 19.86% = Lee Chun-seok of the Democratic Party, Kim Min-seo of the People Power Party 1,345 votes, New Future Shin Jae-yong 615 votes, Progressive Party Jeon Kwon-hee 1,323 votes.


Iksan 16.17% = 10,417 votes for Han Byeong-do of the Democratic Party, 1,420 votes for Moon Yong-hee of the People Power Party, 218 votes for Lee Eun-jae of the Liberty Unification Party.


JeongeupGochang 58.35% = Yoon Jun-byeong of the Democratic Party of Korea 46,670 votes (likely to be elected), Choi Yong-un of the People Power Party 5,414 votes, Chung Hoo-young of the Liberty Unification Party 1,560 votes.


Namwon, Jangsu, Imsil, and Sunchang 36.76% = Park Hee-seung of the Democratic Party of Korea 29,768 votes, Kang Byeong-moo of the People Power Party 3,460 votes, New Future Hangi University 726 votes, and Hwang Eui-don of the Korea Farmers and Fisheries Party 737 votes.


Wanju, Jinan, Muju 59.96% = Democratic Party of Korea Ahn Ho-young 43.255 votes, People Power Party Lee In-sook 8,797 votes.

ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 전북판. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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