교통법규 위반 차량에 일부러 '쾅'
전주 완산署… 5억대 보험금 챙긴 4명 구속ㆍ17명 불구속
김현종 기자
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기사입력: 2024/09/03 [14:16]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡


교통법규 위반 차량만 골라 고의로 사고를 낸 뒤 민원에 약한 보험사를 괴롭히는 수법으로 수억원대 보험금을 받아 챙긴 일당이 경찰 수사에 덜미를 잡혀 법의 심판대에 올랐다.


전북 전주 완산경찰서는 "보험사기방지 특별법 위반 혐의로 A(30) 4명을 구속하고 17명을 같은 혐의로 불구속 입건했다"3일 밝혔다.


경찰에 따르면 이들은 2018년부터 지난해 12월까지 전주ㆍ서울ㆍ경기 등 전국을 무대로 사회에서 알게 된 사람들로 교통법규 위반 차량을 발견하면 고의로 사고를 내고 합의금 명목으로 무려 67차례에 걸쳐 총 52,600여만원의 보험금을 받아 챙긴 혐의를 받고 있다.


조사 결과 이들은 차를 타고 돌아다니다 먹잇감인 진로 변경 등 법규 위반 차량을 발견하면 브레이크를 밟으면 충분히 차량을 멈출 수 있지만, 오히려 속도를 높이기 위해 가속페달을 밟아 부딪히는 방법으로 범행을 저지른 것으로 드러났다.


특히, 구속된 A씨 등 주범 4명은 사회에서 알게 된 친구와 선ㆍ후배들을 범행에 끌어들여 고의사고를 낸 뒤 보험사에 민원을 넣는 방법으로 더 많은 보험금을 받아 도박자금과 유흥비로 탕진한 것으로 밝혀졌다.


이번 사건은 단순 교통법규 위반 차량을 대상으로 고의로 사고를 낸 뒤 경미 한 사고에도 불구하고 오랜 기간 진료를 받는 등 보험사에 각종 민원을 넣으면 쉽게 많은 합의금이 지급된다는 사실을 알고 이를 악용한 것으로 조사 결과 확인됐다.


전주 완산경찰서 복중선(경정) 교통과장은 "교통사고 조사 과정에 고의사고가 의심돼 여죄 수사로 이어졌고 서울ㆍ경기 등에서 저지른 일당의 범행이 확인돼 사고영상 보험금 지급 이력 등을 분석해 범행 일체를 자백받았다"고 말했다,


그러면서 "고의사고를 당하지 않으려면 교통법규를 철저히 준수하고 안전운전을 하는 습관이 필요하다""우연히 발생한 사고라도 고의가 의심되면 블랙박스와 현장 사진 등을 확보하고 지체없이 경찰에 신고해 줄 것"을 당부했다.


아래는 위 기사를 구글 번역이 번역한 영문 기사의 '전문' 입니다.

구글 번역은 이해도를 높이기 위해 노력하고 있으며 영문 번역에 오류가 있음을 전제로 합니다.

Below is the 'full text' of the English article translated by Google Translate.

Google Translate is working hard to improve understanding, and assumes that there are errors in the English translation.


Deliberately banging on a vehicle that violates traffic laws

Jeonju Wansan4 people who have paid 500 million units of insurance money17 people


Reporter Kim Hyun-jong


A group of people who deliberately caused accidents by selecting vehicles that violated traffic laws and then collected hundreds of millions of won in insurance money by harassing insurance companies that were weak in responding to civil complaints was caught in a police investigation and brought to justice.


Wansan Police Station in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do announced on the 3rd, "We arrested four people, including Mr. A(30s), on charges of violating the Special Act on Prevention of Insurance Fraud, and booked 17 people without detention on the same charges."


According to the police, from 2018 to December of last year, these people were known in society across the country, including Jeonju, Seoul, and Gyeonggi, and when they found vehicles that violated traffic laws, they intentionally caused accidents and received a total of 526 million won on 67 occasions in the name of settlement money. He is suspected of receiving and pocketing insurance money amounting to 80,000 won.


As a result of the investigation, it was revealed that when they were driving around and found a vehicle that violated the law, such as changing course, they could have stopped the vehicle by pressing the brakes, but instead, they committed the crime by stepping on the accelerator pedal to increase speed and hitting the vehicle.


In particular, it was revealed that the four main criminals, including Mr. A, who was arrested, recruited friends and seniors and juniors they knew in society into committing the crime, caused the accident intentionally, and received more insurance money by filing a complaint with the insurance company, which they squandered on gambling and entertainment expenses. lost


In this case, it was confirmed by the investigation that the person took advantage of the fact that if he or she filed various complaints with the insurance company, such as intentionally causing an accident with a vehicle that simply violated traffic laws and receiving medical treatment for a long period of time despite the minor accident, a large settlement could easily be paid out. Done.


Jeonju Wansan Police Station's Traffic Division Chief Bok Jung-seon said, "During the traffic accident investigation, intentional accidents were suspected, leading to an investigation into multiple crimes, and the crimes of a group of people committed in Seoul and Gyeonggi were confirmed, and all crimes were investigated by analyzing accident video insurance payment history, etc. "I got a confession," he said.


He said, "To avoid being involved in an intentional accident, you need to strictly follow traffic laws and develop the habit of driving safely. Even if the accident occurred accidentally, if intentionality is suspected, secure the black box and photos of the scene and report it to the police without delay." He requested.

ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 전북판. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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