▲ 정성주 전북 김제시장이 "시민들의 더 나은 삶과 지역경제 활력에 중점을 두고 재정효율성을 증진시키는데 주력해 올해보다 6.1% 증가한 9,975억원 규모로 2023년도 본예산을 편성해 시의회 제출했다"는 설명을 하고 있다. / 사진제공 = 김제시청 © 김현종 기자 |
전북 김제시가 2023년도 예산안을 올해보다 6.1% 증가한 9,975억원 규모로 편성해 시의회에 제출했다.
일반회계는 일반회계는 9,283억원으로 659억원(7.6%) 늘었고 특별회계는 87억원(11.2%)이 감소한 692억원으로 각각 편성했다.
김제시는 "시민들의 더 나은 삶과 지역경제 활력에 중점을 두고 재정효율성을 증진시키는데 주력해 2023년도 본예산을 편성했다"며 "시의회 의결을 거쳐 오는 12월 15일 최종 확정될 예정"이라고 21일 밝혔다.
2023년도 예산안 편성은 고물가ㆍ고금리ㆍ고환율 등 기업경영 악화와 민생경제 소비위축에 따라 소상공인의 시름을 덜고 지역경제를 회복하는 데 중점을 뒀다.
특히 경제적 어려움에 처한 위기가정의 무한 돌봄 체계 구축을 통한 사회안전망이 한층 강화됐다.
분야별 세부 편성 내용을 살펴보면, 인구감소위기 극복을 위해 지방소멸대응기금 80억원과 인구정책 지원 및 출산장려를 위해 34억원을 편성했다.
또 모두배움터 조성과 운영 10억원ㆍ초등학교 방과후 학교지원 7억원 등 총 70억원이 교육 분야에 배정됐다.
또한 취약계층과 사회적 약자 보호를 위해 기초연금 848억원ㆍ아동수당 지원 30억원ㆍ장애인종합복지관 증축 24억원 등 220억원이 증액된 2,482억원이다.
농업경영 안정을 위한 기본형 공익직불금(시비 포함) 586억원ㆍ무기질비료 가격인상 차액지원 71억원ㆍ농민공익수당 65억원 등을 지원한다.
정주여건 개선과 지역개발을 위해 도시재생뉴딜(요촌ㆍ성산ㆍ신풍) 177억원ㆍ지역개발 및 배수로개선에 101억원을 편성했고 소상공인과 침체한 지역경제를 감안해 김제사랑상품권 발행 및 운영에 137억원을 확정했다.
분야별 세출예산은 ▲ 사회복지 2,482억원(26.7%) ▲ 농림해양수산 2,126(22.9%) ▲ 국토 및 지역개발 948억원(10.2%) ▲ 환경 576억원(6.2%) ▲ 교통 및 물류 448억원(4.8%) ▲ 문화 및 관광 377억원(4.1%) ▲ 일반 공공행정 328억원(3.5%) ▲ 산업ㆍ중소기업 229억원(2.5%) 등으로 배분됐다.
정성주 김제시장은 "중앙정부의 긴축재정 전환과 부동산거래 및 소비위축 상황속에 재정 전망이 밝지 않지만, 이번 예산은 민선 8기의 초석을 다지는 첫 본예산(안)으로 지역경제와 서민경제 회복의 든든한 버팀목이 될 수 있도록 편성했다"며 "위축된 시민의 삶을 보듬고 경제회복의 마중물 역할을 할 수 있도록 시의회 의결 후 빠르게 지역경제에 녹아들 수 있도록 행정력을 총동원해 재도약의 발판을 만들겠다"고 말했다.
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【Below is the 'full text' of the English article translated by Google Translate.
Google Translate is working hard to improve understanding, and assumes that there are errors in the English translation.】
Submission of '2023 main budget plan' to the city council
997.5 billion won, up 6.1% from this year… Emphasis on better life and vitality of local economy
Reporter Kim Hyun-jong
Gimje-si, Jeollabuk-do, submitted the 2023 budget to the city council with a budget of 997.5 billion won, a 6.1% increase from this year.
As for general accounting, general accounting increased by KRW 65.9 billion (7.6%) to KRW 928.3 billion, and special accounting decreased by KRW 8.7 billion (11.2%) to KRW 69.2 billion.
Kim Je-si said, "We focused on improving financial efficiency with a focus on the better life of citizens and the vitality of the local economy, and the main budget for 2023 was formulated."
The budget plan for 2023 focused on relieving the worries of small business owners and restoring the local economy due to deterioration in corporate management such as high prices, high interest rates, and high exchange rates, and a decrease in consumption in the public economy.
In particular, the social safety net has been further strengthened through the establishment of an unlimited care system for families in crisis in economic difficulties.
Looking at the details of the organization by sector, 8 billion won for the local extinction response fund and 3.4 billion won for population policy support and childbirth encouragement were allocated to overcome the population decline crisis.
In addition, a total of 7 billion won was allocated to the education sector, including 1 billion won for the creation and operation of the learning center and 700 million won for elementary school after-school support.
In addition, KRW 248.2 billion was increased by KRW 22 billion, including KRW 84.8 billion in basic pension, KRW 3 billion in child allowance support, and KRW 2.4 billion in expansion of a comprehensive welfare center for the disabled to protect the vulnerable and the socially underprivileged.
58.6 billion won in basic public interest direct payment(including fertilization) for stabilization of agricultural management, 7.1 billion won in difference in mineral fertilizer price increase support, and 6.5 billion won in public benefit for farmers.
17.7 billion won for Urban Regeneration New Deal (Yochon, Seongsan, and Sinpung), 10.1 billion won for regional development and drainage improvement for improving settlement conditions and regional development, and 13.7 billion won for issuing and operating Kimje Sarang gift certificates in consideration of small businesses and the stagnant local economy Confirmed.
The expenditure budget by sector is ▲ social welfare KRW 248.2 billion(26.7%) ▲ agriculture, forestry, marine and fisheries 2,126(22.9%) ▲ national land and regional development KRW 94.8 billion(10.2%) ▲ environment KRW 57.6 billion(6.2%) ▲ transportation and logistics KRW 44.8 billion(4.8%) ) ▲ Culture and tourism KRW 37.7 billion(4.1%) ▲ General public administration KRW 32.8 billion(3.5%) ▲ Industry and SMEs KRW 22.9 billion(2.5%) were distributed.
Jeong Seong-joo, Mayor of Gimje, said, "The financial outlook is not bright amid the central government's transition to austerity and real estate transactions and consumption contraction, but this budget is the first budget (plan) to lay the foundation for the 8th civil election, providing a strong support for the recovery of the local economy and the economy of the working class. "We will create a stepping stone for another leap forward by mobilizing all our administrative power so that it can quickly integrate into the local economy after the city council's decision so that it can take care of the shrunken citizens' lives and serve as a priming water for economic recovery," he said.