▲ 임실군 '성수면 행정복지센터'가 20일 신청사 준공식을 갖고 공식적인 업무에 돌입한 가운데 심 민(가운데) 군수가 주요 참석자와 테이프 커팅에 앞서 기념촬영을 하고 있다./ 사진제공 = 임실군청 © 이요한 기자
전북자치도 임실군 '성수면 행정복지센터'가 20일 개청식을 갖고 공식적인 업무에 돌입했다.
이날 성수면 행정복지센터 다목적 강당에서 열린 준공식은 심 민 군수와 임실군의회 장종민 의장을 비롯 지역 각 기관ㆍ단체장 및 지역주민 등 100여 명이 참석한 가운데 기념사ㆍ축사ㆍ감사패 증정ㆍ테이프 커팅ㆍ기념 촬영ㆍ시설물 내부 관람 등의 순으로 성황리에 진행됐다.
성수면 기초생활거점 조성사업은 2018년 농식품부 공모사업에 선정돼 2019년부터 6년 동안 사업비 39억원과 면사무소와 시설복합화를 위한 28억원의 추가 군비가 투입됐다.
특히 행정복지센터 건립과 임진로 정비 등 리더 교육ㆍ주민 워크숍 등의 지역역량강화 사업도 추진됐다.
박강철 추진위원장은 "복합거점공간으로 신축된 행정복지센터가 앞으로 지역 발전을 위해 고민하고 소통할 수 있는 공간으로 관리하고 이용될 수 있기를 희망한다"는 소감을 밝혔다.
심 민 군수는 "성수면 기초생활거점 조성사업이 성공적으로 추진된 것은 어려운 여건 속에서도 추진위원들의 적극적인 참여와 협조 덕분"이라며 "준공된 성수면 행정복지센터가 지역주민들에게 기본적인 행정서비스 제공 및 언제든지 손쉽게 여가와 휴식을 취할 수 있는 친숙한 공간으로 거듭나길 바란다"고 말했다.
한편, 임실군은 전북특별자치도 공모사업인 '아름다운 주거 경관개선사업'과 연계, 성수면 행정복지센터 주변의 휴게 공간 확보와 소재지 내 주요 도로 주변 경관개선ㆍ슬레이트 지붕 철거 및 지붕개량 등의 환경개선까지 사업 효과가 극대화될 수 있도록 행정력을 모았다.
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【Below is the 'full text' of the English article translated by Google Translate.
Google Translate is working hard to improve understanding, and assumes that there are errors in the English translation】
Completion of Imsil-gun 'Seongsu-myeon Administrative Welfare Center'
A hub space for educationㆍcultureㆍwelfare servicesㆍleisure, and relaxation
Reporter Lee Yo-han
The 'Seongsu-myeon Administrative Welfare Center' in Imsil-gun, Jeonbuk Self-Governing Province held an opening ceremony on the 20th and began official work.
The completion ceremony held on this day at the Seongsu-myeon Administrative Welfare Center's multi-purpose auditorium was attended by more than 100 people, including Mayor Shim Min, Imsil County Council Chairman Jang Jong-min, heads of various local organizations and organizations, and local residents, and included commemorative speeches, congratulatory remarks, presentation of appreciation plaques, tape cutting, and commemorative photos. The event was successfully conducted, including a tour of the interior of the facility.
The Seongsu-myeon basic living base creation project was selected as a public contest project by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in 2018, and a project cost of 3.9 billion won and an additional military expense of 2.8 billion won for the myeon office and facility complex were invested over six years from 2019.
In particular, local capacity building projects such as leader training and resident workshops, such as the establishment of an administrative welfare center and the improvement of Imjin-ro, were also promoted.
Park Kang-cheol, chairman of the promotion committee, expressed his thoughts, saying, "I hope that the newly built Administrative Welfare Center as a complex hub can be managed and used as a space for thinking and communicating for regional development in the future."
County Governor Shim Min said, "The successful implementation of the Seongsu-myeon basic living base creation project is thanks to the active participation and cooperation of the promotion committee members even under difficult conditions." He added, "The completed Seongsu-myeon Administrative Welfare Center provides basic administrative services to local residents and provides easy leisure access at any time." "I hope it will be reborn as a familiar space where you can relax," he said.
Meanwhile, Imsil-gun is in connection with the 'Beautiful Residential Landscape Improvement Project', a contest project of Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province, and is working on environmental improvement projects such as securing a resting space around the Seongsu-myeon Administrative Welfare Center, improving the landscape around major roads in the area, and removing slate roofs and improving roofs. Administrative power was pooled to maximize effectiveness.