경찰청, 2023년 상반기 '경무관 49명' 전보
전북청 수사부장 박헌수ㆍ공공안전부장 최원석ㆍ완산서장 엄성규
김현종 기자
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게
기사입력: 2023/01/16 [18:56]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡


▲  경찰청은 16일 경무관 49명에 전보 인사를 단행한 가운데 박헌수(왼쪽) 전주 완산경찰서장이 전북경찰청 수사부장ㆍ최원석(가운데) 경무관이 2년 만에 공공안전부장으로 복귀했고 엄성규(오른쪽) 서울청 기동본부장이 전주 완산경찰서장으로 임명됐다.      / 사진제공 = 전라북도경찰청     © 김현종 기자




경찰청은 16일 경무관 49명에 전보 인사를 단행한 가운데 박헌수 전주 완산경찰서장이 전북경찰청 수사부장으로 발령됐다.


또 지난 2021년 국무조정실로 자리를 옮긴 최원석 경무관이 2년 만에 공공안전부장으로 복귀했고 전주 완산경찰서장으로는 엄성규 서울청 기동본부장이 임명됐다.


엄성규 신임 완산경찰서장은 제주 출신으로 오현고동국대 경찰행정학과와 동국대 대학원 경찰행정학과를 졸업했으며 간부후보 45기로 입문했다.


이후 구리경찰서 생활안전과장서울경찰청 교통정보센터장교통순찰대장충북청 홍보담당관정보과장음성경찰서장서울청 제3기동단장남대문경찰서장서울청 경비 2과장경비 1과장부천 원미경찰서장서울청 101경비단장 등을 역임했다.


최원석 신임 공공안전부장은 군산 출신으로 동고등학교와 전북대 행정대학원을 졸업했으며 경찰대 5기로 전북청 보안 4계장완산경찰서 정보과장전북청 정보 2계장경비교통과장진안경찰서장완주경찰서장군산경찰서장전북청 여성청소년과장생뢀안전과장전주 완산경찰서장 등의 주요 보직을 거쳤다.


수사부장으로 임명된 박헌수 경무관은 익산 출신으로 이리고등학교와 원광대학교 행정대학원(경찰학 석사)을 졸업한 뒤 1996년 간부후보 44기로 경찰에 첫발을 내딛었다.


특히 2012년 총경으로 승진한 뒤 전북청 생활안전과장순창경찰서장전남청 112종합상황실장고창경찰서장수사과장익산경찰서장전북청 정보외사과장전남청 공공안전부장전주 완산경찰서장을 역임했다.


한편, 신임 제주경찰청 차장에 부산청 자치경찰부장인 김영일 경무관이 내정됐다.


김영일 신임 차장은 간부후보 38기로 1990년 경위로 임용된 뒤 경남청 수사과장거제경찰서장부산청 정보과장동래경찰서장해운대경찰서장 등을 역임했다.


아래는 위 기사를 구글 번역이 번역한 영문 기사의 '전문' 입니다.

구글 번역은 이해도를 높이기 위해 노력하고 있으며 영문 번역에 오류가 있음을 전제로 합니다.

Below is the 'full text' of the English article translated by Google Translate.

Google Translate is working hard to improve understanding, and assumes that there are errors in the English translation.


National Police Agency, telegram of '49 police officers' in the first half of 2023

Park Hun-soo, chief of the Jeonbuk Office investigation department, Choi Won-seok, public safety chief, and Eom Seong-gyu, chief of Wansan Police Station


Reporter Kim Hyun-jong


On the 16th, the National Police Agency conducted a telegram to 49 police officers, and Park Hun-soo, Jeonju Wansan Police Station, was appointed as the head of the investigation department of the Jeonbuk Police Agency.


In addition, Police Officer Choi Won-seok, who moved to the Office for Government Policy Coordination in 2021, returned to the post of Public Safety Director after two years, and Eom Seong-gyu, head of the Seoul Metropolitan Government's mobile headquarters, was appointed as the head of the Wansan Police Station in Jeonju.


Eom Seong-gyu, the new chief of the Wansan Police Station, was born in Jeju and graduated from Oh Hyeon-go, Dongguk University Police Administration Department and Dongguk University Graduate School Police Administration Department, and entered the 45th class as an executive candidate.


Since then, Guri Police Station Living Safety Division Chief, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Traffic Information Center Chief, Traffic Patrol Chief, Chungbuk Office Public Relations Officer, Information Division Chief, Eumseong Police Station Chief, Seoul Metropolitan Government 3rd Task Force Chief, Namdaemun Police Station Chief, Seoul Metropolitan Government Security Section 2, Security Section 1, Bucheon Wonmi Police Station Chief He served as the head of the Seoul Metropolitan Government 101 Security Guard.


New Director of Public Safety Choi Won-seok, born in Gunsan, graduated from Dong High School and Graduate School of Public Administration at Chonbuk National University. He graduated from the 5th National Police University, Jeonbuk Office Security Section 4, Wansan Police Station Information Section Chief, Jeonbuk Office Information Section Chief, Security Transportation Section Chief, Jinan Police Station Chief, Wanju Police Station Chief, Gunsan Police Station Chief, She held major positions such as the head of the women's and youth section of Jeonbuk Office, the head of the safety section of Saengroen, and the chief of the Wansan Police Station in Jeonju.


Inspector Park Heon-soo, who was appointed as the head of the investigation department, was born in Iksan and graduated from Iri High School and Wonkwang University Graduate School of Public Administration (Master of Police Studies).


In particular, after being promoted to superintendent in 2012, he served as the head of the life safety section of the Jeonbuk Office, the head of the Sunchang Police Station, the head of the 112 General Situation Office, the Gochang Police Station, the head of the Investigation Department, the head of the Iksan Police Station, the head of the Jeonbuk Office Public Safety Department, and the head of the Jeonju Wansan Police Station.


Meanwhile, police officer Kim Yeong-il, head of the Busan Metropolitan Police Agency's Autonomous Police Department, was appointed as the new deputy chief of the Jeju Police Agency.


After being appointed as a lieutenant in 1990 as the 38th deputy general manager, Kim Young-il served as the head of the investigation department at the Gyeongnam Office, the head of the Geoje Police Station, the head of the information section at the Busan Office, the head of the Dongnae Police Station, and the head of the Haeundae Police Station.

ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 전북판. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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