전보ㆍ직위승진ㆍ조직개편ㆍ직무대리 등 34명
김가영 기자
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기사입력: 2022/08/12 [12:03]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡




전보… ▲ 자치행정국장 고운기 종합민원실장 배기영 관광산업과장 백재욱 문화예술과장 오미숙 사회복지과장 이용철 농촌활력과장 홍정묵 해양수산과장 박성기 안전총괄과장 이광수 건설도시과장 나철주 보건행정과장 오태종 농업기술센터 농촌개발과장 이영호 농업기술센터 기술지원과장 오성동 체육시설사업소장 김재관 상하수도사업소장 형광희 고창읍장 조정호 고수면장 전민규 아산면장 김완철 무장면장 김수동 공음면장 양치영 대산면장 정재민 성내면장 직무대리 이수경 부안면장 홍만수.


직위승진… ▲ 인재양성과장 직무대리 이길수 환경위생과장 직무대리 강필구 산림공원과장 직무대리 박진상 보건소 건강증진과장 직무대리 이소영.


조직개편… ▲ 농어촌산업국장 정길환 기획예산실장 이성수 신활력경제정책관 이영윤 행정지원과장 김성근 재무과장 기호민 농업정책과장 조우삼 축산과장 이동태.


직무대리… ▲ 보건소장 유병수. (이상 34= 2022812일자)


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Below is the 'full text' of the English article translated by Google Translate.

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[Greetings] Gochang-gun

34 persons including transfer, position promotion, reorganization, and deputy deputy


Reporter Kim Ga-young


Telegram… ▲ Autonomous Administration Bureau Director Go Un-gi General Civil Affairs Office Director Bae Bae-young Tourism Industry Division Director Baek Jae-wook Culture and Arts Division Director Oh Mi-sook Social Welfare Division Director Lee Yong-cheol Rural Vitality Division Director Hong Jeong-mook Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Division Director Park Seong-gi Safety Division Manager Lee Kwang-su Construction City Division Head Na Cheol-ju Health Administration Division Director Oh Tae-jong Agricultural Technology Center Rural Development Division Director Lee Young-ho Agricultural Technology Center Technical Support Division Director Oh Seong-dong Sports Facilities Business Director Kim Jae-gwan Water and Sewerage Office Director Hwang Hwang-hee Gochang-eup Mayor Jo Jeong-ho Gosu-myeon Jeon Min-gyu Asan-myeon Kim Wan-cheol Muja-myeon Kim Su-dong Gongeum-myeon Yang Chi-young Daesan-myeon Jang Jae-min Deputy head of Seongnae-myeon Lee Soo-kyung Buan-myeon chief Hong Man-su.


Position promotion… ▲ Deputy Assistant Manager of Human Resources Development Department Lee Gil-su Acting Deputy Chief of Environmental Sanitation Division Pil-gu Kang Acting Deputy Chief of Forest Park Jin-sang Park Acting Deputy Director of Health Promotion Division at Public Health Center So-young Lee.


Reorganization… ▲ Director of the Rural Industry Bureau Jeong Gil-hwan Planning and Budget Office Seong-su Lee New Vigor Economic Policy Officer Young-yoon Lee Administrative Support Division Director Kim Seong-geun Finance Division Director Ki Ho-min Agriculture Policy Division Director Jo Woo-sam Livestock Division Director Lee Dong-tae.


Representation… ▲ Byung-soo Yoo, head of the public health center. (More than 34 people = as of August 12, 2022)

ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 전북판. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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